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Episode 124 – Smart Cities Dumb People

Not surprisingly, topics like censorship and election interference are back on the docket for today’s episode. And for a dramatic finale, Bobby and Jordan discuss the nuances, language, concepts and sponsors of the smart cities idea and how they are being promoted blatantly by government while our elected officials conspicuously claim ignorance.

Some people like to listen to us faster… (We sound smarter.):
Change playback speed real time: 1x1.25x1.5x1.75x2x

Referenced in the Podcast


  1. TBM
    TBM April 25, 2023

    1:11:45–“A fingerprint-like identification off the anus of an individual using the toilet”

    Ummm…I hope you meant the general butt cheeks of an individual…who’s putting their anus directly on the toilet seat? I’m not asking hypothetically, as if this is a thing at the Bruno house, I may poop elsewhere when visiting.

  2. Whitaker
    Whitaker April 27, 2023

    Maybe Cox was on edge because he hasn’t been mentioned on this podcast for so long.

    Oh, what questions were we supposed to answer? Whether reading a book is the same as listening to it? Reading is superior. Usually because you’re listening to the book so you can do something else at the same time, so your full attention isn’t on the book.

  3. Dr Nick Riveria
    Dr Nick Riveria April 29, 2023

    I’ll weigh in on the reading vs listening debate. Listening counts as reading 60% of the book, and will always be inferior to sitting with a physical paper copy of a book and giving it your full attention. Possibly you can upgrade to 85% credit if you sit down in a chair to do nothing but listen to a book, but that’s as high as I go.

  4. Whitaker
    Whitaker April 29, 2023

    Okay, maybe I’m wrong on the reading vs listening. I came across the cone of learning by Edgar Dale claims you remember 10% of what you read and 20% of what you hear after 2 weeks.

    On the 15 minute city thing, this idea was being introduced to us engineering students at the BYU in the early aughts. We were told that having people live close together is understood to mean more crime, but that’s not necessarily true. I liked the narrative they were selling us and I liked the idea of not having a car but then the reality of it all became apparent with more experience. It’s really expensive to live like that and sharing walls with other people sucks.

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