Happy Samhain! Do the signs in the heavens matter any more? The ever inquisitive Bobby and Jordan postulate on these matters and others, extensively, in this episode.
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Raz Al Ghul Explains Current Events
Referenced in the Podcast
- Acts 2:17-21
- Jordan Schachtel on Event 201 – https://dossier.substack.com/
- 2019 event 201 … a sinister 2 minute clip
- Malthusian doctrine of too many people on the earth
- Georgia Guidestones language
- Twitter employees taking bribes for blue checks
- Origin of yelling “fire” in theater quote
- Microsoft ID 2020 … id2020.org … type it in yourself.
- Is Elon Musk an invention of oligarchy/media?
- James Corbett / Corbett Report
“created these vaccines ex nihilo”
“What’s a targeting service? …Luke a sniper?”