On today’s podcast, Bobby and Jordan review the cartel-like behavior of the powers that be along with the recent history relating to their attempts to take over the economy and society. Relatedly, they examine recent revelations that the scope of J. Epstein’s network, as concerns highly influential people, was far more vast than previous revealed in the press.
Some people like to listen to us faster… (We sound smarter.):Change playback speed real time: 1x – 1.25x – 1.5x – 1.75x – 2x
Correction: Troy57 pointed out on the spotify comments that the legal age to buy cigarettes in Utah has been changed to 21 also.
Referenced in the Podcast
- Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer
- “No Remorse Whatsoever”: Watch CNN Host (!) Put Randi Weingarten In Detention Over School Closure Lies
- Trump / Clinton Flights with Epstein
- NPRRRRRRRRRRR Statist Media on Twitter
- The Campus Mob Came for Me—and You, Professor, Could Be Next – Bret Weinstein
- More on the above
- Hillary Pickle Jar
- Elon Musk – Mind Virus
- Tucker Carlson Viral Monologue
- Simon and Garfunkel “Cloudy” Lyrics
Epstein didn’t go to Harvard–He went to Cooper Union n Manhattan, and dropped out to teach at the super fancy Dalton High School in Manhattan, run by Bill Barr’s father at the time.
Not very often people drop out of college to teach high school.
Part 2 of WSJ on Epstein: https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-documents-woody-allen-larry-summers-edb3e9b2?st=jdjiyb7cbikv7h4&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
I like the idea of more movie reviews. Or show reviews. I just watched the first 2 episodes of a show called Citadel on Amazon Prime. There’s a lot going on in that show.
Yes it’s me, Mr Radio. My pronouns are “woke” and “deadname.”
In answer to your question, I say that if someone asks you if you’ve read a book that you’ve merely listened to, you should be required to answer thusly: “Good sir (or madam), no I have not read the book of which you speak, not one whit. I have, however, taken it upon myself to employ another (preferably one who is proficient at speaking the King’s) to read it to me, not often in person, mind you, but more likely recorded for later playback at my leisure. Perhaps you could contact that reader and enquire as to whether he or she has read it, to which the answer would most assuredly be yes, what with the glut of evidence right there etched in vinyl, on magnetic tape, printed in microscopic binary or what have you… the greatest volume of which may be found in a vook like Romans:The Greatest Letter Ever Written, Les Miserables Unabridged or War and Peace, 154, 80 and 61 hours of listening, respectively. The chap who read those three, now that is a reader.
What a reply. Love it.