Again, continuing the theme from last week… Did we just witness a quiet coup? Is Joe Biden still alive? Are the White House staffers all tied up in the basement?
Some people like to listen to us faster… (We sound smarter.):Change playback speed real time: 1x – 1.25x – 1.5x – 1.75x – 2x
“The woke mind virus killed my son” – Elon Musk on Jordan Peterson’s show about his trans son.
Electoral College has electors for each state. It is actually a blend of having POTUS represent the People and the States.
Political parties are private entities and can do pretty much whatever they want within their respective parties.
Also, I think Harris will beat Trump pretty handily and the Democrats will get at least one chamber of Congress. If they sweep, we’re in for a big mess. It wasn’t totally awful that way in the past, with Obama for example, but I think this time they will go for a lot of our rights and exponentially grow centralized power, and of course load up the courts.
“…if she’s really stupid, or just regular stupid”
“Call of Duty: Moderately Sloped Roof”