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Episode 189 – Scrambling

Again, continuing the theme from last week… Did we just witness a quiet coup? Is Joe Biden still alive? Are the White House staffers all tied up in the basement?

Some people like to listen to us faster… (We sound smarter.):
Change playback speed real time: 1x1.25x1.5x1.75x2x

Referenced in the Podcast


  1. Publius
    Publius July 24, 2024

    “The woke mind virus killed my son” – Elon Musk on Jordan Peterson’s show about his trans son.

    Electoral College has electors for each state. It is actually a blend of having POTUS represent the People and the States.
    Political parties are private entities and can do pretty much whatever they want within their respective parties.

  2. Publius
    Publius July 24, 2024

    Also, I think Harris will beat Trump pretty handily and the Democrats will get at least one chamber of Congress. If they sweep, we’re in for a big mess. It wasn’t totally awful that way in the past, with Obama for example, but I think this time they will go for a lot of our rights and exponentially grow centralized power, and of course load up the courts.

  3. I play the radio
    I play the radio July 24, 2024

    “…if she’s really stupid, or just regular stupid”

    “Call of Duty: Moderately Sloped Roof”

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