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Episode 214 – Unsolicited Market Research

Join Bobby and Jordan today as they respond to a survey they were not invited to take.

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Referenced in the Podcast

Survey screen shots on Reddit


  1. TBM
    TBM January 14, 2025

    It’s perplexing to try to figure out what they’re trying to accomplish with this survey. It can’t be to gain useful insights.

    If only we had a market research expert in the building to ask about these things.

  2. Publius
    Publius January 15, 2025

    California is definitely mismanaged due to environmentalists and their stupid demands, but, also, there are far too many people living in a desert. Be smart, people.

    I tend to overthink questionnaires like these.

    Question 1: I totally agree with you guys on the wording. Maybe it should be reworded to: “Can different words be used to describe/explain doctrine without the meaning of the doctrine changing?” Of course that can lead to intentional and unintentional misinterpretation/explanation of doctrine, like how 95% of America treats our Constitution.

    It reminds me of something I think you two have mentioned before from here:

    “Expect change. When we study the past, we sometimes find that practices, teachings, and ideas we thought were unchanging have actually changed quite a bit. Core principles of the gospel are eternal, but the ways they are understood and expressed over time reflect the line upon line nature of revelation and the constant change of human culture.”

    Question 2: the answer should be that there is no contradiction, but that assumes that each individual is actually receiving through the Holy Ghost and is not some personal thought intertwine or an evil spirit giving guidance.
    Also is the Revelation individual versus a Leader’s revelation for a ward or the church in general which would not include or which would allow personal

    Question 3: The scriptures are not infallible. Yes, “as far as it is translated correctly” referring to the Bible, and the Book of Mormon is often referred to as the most correct book. Not the perfect book.
    And the scriptures can’t be the only source of doctrine/truth, because that would just mean we don’t need the Holy Ghost and we don’t need prophets or anything of the like, which sounds like the those in charge from the old world, focused solely on following The Law.

    Question 4: without the word “a,” the answer is no.

    Question 5: yes

    Question 6: unsure. Is there scripture to point to either yes or no?

    Question 7: no. Atheists are the one who say yes because I like the whine about everything bad that happens to them and others.
    Allowing something to happen is definitely not the same as causing or being the cause.

    Question 8: no. See question 4. So we’re going to assume that God means the god the most high God.

    Question 9: no.

    Question 10: me and only me… /sarcasm

    Question 11: no. That’s not his primary goal and he doesn’t have to accept.
    Sharon Eubanks is an example of a huge influencer who sent out a messenger that said who I am this is my eternal identity and it is awesome.

    Question 12: no.

    Question 13: No.

    Question 14: No.

    Question 15: Yes.

    Got lost/lost interest in answering them all.

    We always need to repent.

    Well, Nephi did get a directive and permission from God to kill someone, without trial (I suppose God was jury), in order to save a people, so it’s not entirely unheard of.

    I was talking to my wife about Priestesshood the other day.
    I think it was in reference to a recent social media phenomenon in Mormon social media circles, for a questionnaire, and the results put you into a square bracket on how you lean progressive or traditional, authoritative and something else.
    YouTube channel of Ether’s Elephant.
    X link:
    Link to Quiz:

    Funny story about Asian women and driving; I was at a U-Haul location up in Logan, trying to rent a moving van, and there was a group of Asians, I’m guessing from China based on the language, clearly foreigners. They had no clue how to drive, in all seriousness. They were driving around in a rented SUV, an automatic, put in manual mode in the lowest gear. That engine was screaming down the highway.

    So, the new Young Women’s whatever-it’s-called is very close to the previous one. They’ve made it more personal by using “I,” which is good, but I think they left out exaltation from the last line, as the goal. Now it seems that the main goal is to just simply to make it to the temple (and to do that, of course, you have to go through and check off the boxes for helping the church as an organization), and that’s it. So, they’ve actually, in a way, kind of stripped away individuality by removing exaltation as THE goal. (Unless I missed it when Jordan read the new version)

    The “I am perfect” question is likely the control question to see what the margin of error is for the people just answering questions wrongly on purpose, to screw around with the results.

    I don’t know that we were actually taught that the good Protestant family down the street can never have an eternal family simply because they were never married in the temple in mortality. I’ve always been taught that there is work and preaching during the millennium, so there’s another chance. At least that there’s more to it than just you die and everything’s finalized. That goes beyond the Church as an earthly organization.

    “Legally and lawfully” as a term is still used in the church for heterosexuality, currently, I think.

    We used to believe that no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing wonder when we stop believing that as a church?

    Didn’t Abraham lie for the Lord about his sister? (twice. Genesis 12 & 20)

    I may be meaning Men Who are sealed to multiple wives to a death and then married to a new wife as having good standing.

    Too many people who are antagonistic towards prophets, seers and revelators and demand that they be God; omnipotent, omniscient and perfect.

  3. TBM
    TBM January 20, 2025

    Breaking: Russell Nelson issues $NELSONCOIN, expected to raise $100B and replace tithing. Members will still be expected to pay tithing.

  4. TBM
    TBM January 20, 2025

    Breaking: Wendy Watson Nelson issues $WENDYCOIN, expected to raise another $50B. 1/100 of a $WENDY will be called 1 TOOT.

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