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Episode 216 – Love One Another

Bobby and Jordan are back with another hard-hitting episode of the Mind Virus Podcast. Listen in as they explore issues both current and historic pertaining to the world at large and at small.

Some people like to listen to us faster… (We sound smarter.):
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Referenced in the Podcast


  1. TBM
    TBM January 28, 2025

    For those wondering…the reference to OSU as THE OSU is an homage to Hugh Nibley, who would often refer to BYU as “the BYU”

    I told you Jesus loves Ohio more…Michigan and the SEC will loot the treasure ships all they can, but eventually the cosmos gets turned over to the rightful king from the usurpers.

    “You mean it’s all Ohio? ‘click’ Always has been.”

  2. Publius
    Publius January 28, 2025

    I used to watch GTA 5 roleplay in the early days of COVID. Wild stuff LOL.
    Maybe I’ll have to log into Twitch for the first time in years and harass Bobby on stream.

    There’s a small Mormon settlement in deep east Texas, which was my stake center growing up. Of course here, it was over an hour and a half away from my ward… 4 hours for the furthest branch.

    I’m pretty sure Trump signed an EO banning CBDC (and strategic stockpiling of digital currencies), but that means nothing for the next president or if Congress feels like acting.

    Now I have more to research and add to my mind map software concerning the Catholic charities – our church connections.

  3. Ciel
    Ciel January 30, 2025

    The swarm of illegal immigrants reminds me of the pattern in the Book of Mormon, (and several other scriptures) where after the people apostatize, a message from God is sent to tell the people to repent and clarifies the tenets of the accurate religion. When the people reject the message, they are taken over.

    I’ve felt pretty discouraged with the political and religious turn of events that continue to rage on, but simultaneously I feel the Spirit and God’s arm moving in my life. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I do feel comforted and guided by Christ. I feel like if I continue seeking truth, understanding scriptures, and what Christ is trying to show me, then all I have to do is follow them, and that is the path and way that will lead me to where God wants me. It’s relieving knowing God is in all of this, and within one day, can change everything. It’s tiring and heart breaking, but as Jordan quoted from Ecclesiastes, to know Wisdom is to know Sorrow. That reminds me of a short parable in a little book of parables I’ve been reading recently. On the third day the young man’s hands become calloused from braiding the rope, and at the end when asked if he wants anything, he doesn’t.

    I’d like to put in a request for a link to the scriptures that are referenced in the future podcasts, if that’s not too much work. John 13-17, if I’m remembering correctly, were the ones from this podcast. I’ll have to go back and reread those, they are some of my favorite passages from the New Testament. I enjoy Jordan’s “soap boxes”, even if they’re long winded or he looses his train of thought and has to look-up what he’s referencing.

  4. Ciel
    Ciel January 30, 2025

    Also, what is the image for this podcast? And yes, I enjoyed the mirror picture, it actually looks a lot like my youngest son when he was a toddler and reminds me of a picture of him when he was a baby watching the wind.

  5. Ciel
    Ciel January 30, 2025

    Ha! The ad before this video was for Shen Yun, which reminds me…other similar movies to ancient cultures being “liberated” from their old customs is Last Samurai and Dances with Wolves. It’s always in the name of progress and democracy. I agree with Bobby that we need to go back to what we had originally religiously, but I would call it a Restoration not a Revolution. In my mind we should be attempting to recover what Joseph was doing originally, which there has been a work to do that. The ideal situation will be to have the Author of the message that was given through Joseph to pick-up where he left off before it was “fixed” by men. I do think God’s hand is moving again, and prophecies are being fulfilled, but the prophecies don’t seem all that fun to go through. Looks like we are entering the territory of sacrificing all earthly things to know the things of God, including what we want to believe, or hold onto. Lectures on Faith, chapter 6 implies that is a requirement in order to have true faith.

  6. PepeLePew
    PepeLePew February 5, 2025

    I like dark gray suits. 🙂

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