Is history a definite description of what happened or is it more nuanced than that? Join Bobby and Jordan as they discuss evidence of what happened and how our culture handles these types of discussions.
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Referenced in the Podcast
Solar Angle – Earth relative position to sun calculation application:
Click here for the Application Files – Download all the files. Put them in the same directory and run the app (the .exe file). It may ask you to download and install Microsoft .NET 6.0 which should not cause a problem. THANKS KENNY!
- American Primeval 2025
- Mountain Meadows Massacre
- The Mountain Meadows Massacre – Juanita Brooks (MindVirus Podcast does not make money on this link.)
- Godless 2017
- JFS Bogus Affidavits Explanation
- LDS Newsroom: Depictions that Deceive: When Historical Fiction Does Harm
- Church says ‘American Primeval’ misrepresents Brigham Young, calls series ‘dangerously misleading’