Church attendance is down across the board in Christianity, including in the LDS church. Bobby and Jordan explore the issue in the context of the illusory world our traditional institutions seem to be hell bent on supporting in these crazy times.
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Referenced in this Podcast:
- Gaslight – 1944 Film
- Free Guy – 2021 Film
- Mark Steyn – Lies and Hinge Moments in History
- Mark Changizi
- ‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op?
- Last American Vagabond Podcast – At about 2 minutes into the podcast he shows a clip of Fauci two years ago saying the exact opposite of everything he’s said about masking and social distancing in the last year.

1st= I had a dream where the mind virus show was being hunted down and shut down from streaming the truth.
2nd= As long as the mask mandates (“encourage”) were enacted at church, we haven’t been to church. we’ll be back when all the madness is gone.
I would like to give a more lengthy reply but I’m busy right now. I’m strapped to a chair in a dark room with a single light hanging over my head….
You mentioned that corporations are more powerful than governments now. Interesting how that’s been a recurring theme in futuristic movies for several decades.
attendance pretty much maintained…on average between July-Sept. However, some of that is online viewing….in Sept. in person was a little lower…
but we have a lot of mask wearers and I think a bunch of people who went and got the vax after the letter….