Everyone has the chance to take the red pill. And in today’s crazy media environment there are almost daily opportunities. Listen in as guest host Truman joins Bobby and Jordan as they explore the wide ranging implications of awakening and understanding as relates to life and current events.
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Reference in the Podcast:
- The Trueman Show #51 Catherine Austin Fitts
- Who is Mr. Global, and what is he afraid of?
- The Real Anthony Fauci
- Altered Carbon – Netflix Series
- Spider-Man: No Way Home Movie
- Inspector Gadget TV Series
- Woke Matrix Scriptwriters Complain About The Phrase ‘Red Pilled’ Being ‘Kidnapped By Right Wingers’
- Two Dems who support police reform carjacked less than 24 hours apart
- San Fran Mayor Has Defunder’s Remorse
- “Sit Down Karen!” Woman On Delta Flight Filmed Punching Elderly Man For Briefly Removing Mask – Archived Version
- The 6th Day Movie
- Dancing Nurses are back, now at the Whitehouse
- IMF, World Bank & 10 Countries Held Alarming “Simulation” Of Global Financial System Collapse – Archived Version
- The pandemic worsened young people’s mental health crisis.
- Jason Brant’s Youtube Channel about Bad Movies
There will be wars and rumors of wars, signs in the heavens above and on the earth beneath, the sun turned into darkness and the moon to blood, earthquakes in divers places, the seas heaving beyond their bounds; then will appear one grand sign of the Son of Man in heaven. But what will the world do? They will say it is a planet, a comet, etc. But the Son of Man, which will be as the light of the morning cometh out of the east. (April 6, 1843.) DHC 5:336-337.
TPJS Section Six 1843-44, p.286
Truman’s Predictions:
More variants, Comirnaty, Spars 2025 (Event 201) Vaccine Injury, more censorship, controlled demolition of economy, like a castle siege. Court cases opposing mandate fail 100% at supreme court. Little by little, they keep taking things away from us.
The Oligarchy Controlled Media Empire

My in-laws have an Alexa device and I love to argue with it in Spanish and English about spying on me. Alexa keeps denying it and refers me to the policy about privacy. It’s such a hoot!!! I think Neil Patrick Harris has the best lines in the Matrix Resurrection. Nonetheless, I’m one of those guys that go into a movie for purely entertainment purposes. But I do enjoy listening to others who try to find meaning in movies. I’m not saying they’re right or wrong.