The narratives we consume rule our existence. We are dominated by the stories that permeate our society. Today Bobby and Jordan discuss symbol and narrative and as usual meander through a variety of relevant topics as relates to narratives in literature and movies today.
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Referenced in this Episode
- A lot of movies you can look up on your own.
- Snowpiercer 2013
- Top Gun Maverick 2022
- Top Gun 1986
- Nerdrotic Youtube Channel – “The Fandom Menace”
- Napoleon Dynamite – 2004
- Mitt R. Blather (We didn’t read this… No one really is reading it. … But for the sake of reference …)
- Link to Leavitt video Fox 13 – Ukraine
- Brandon Sanderson – Stormlight Archive
- Robert Jordan – Wheel of Time (Sanderson finished these)
Bobby sent me the above video which was posted the same day we released this podcast. My reply:
Equivocation isn’t it?
I understand the philosophical angle he is taking… and as a professor of such topics, I guess he’s entitled to do that… but when someone asks the question, “Do you believe in God?” pretty much everyone knows what you’re asking.
While he struggles to explain his struggle with the question, he simultaneously is struggling with the issue of theodicy. In my opinion, he doesn’t see the issue through the correct narrative lens. Narratives rule our minds.
I’m sure if we haven’t already, we’ll be discussing theodicy and narrative much more in future podcasts. Jordan P. doesn’t seem to want to directly admit belief in the god he thinks might exist. Is he searching for a “correct understanding of his character perfections and attributes?” Is he scared that he is not living a moral life? Make note of his final comments: “I mean, there’s a heavy moral burden that comes along with that [saying I believe in this], just allowing yourself to utter the words without feeling that you should be immediately struck down appropriately by lightning. Well and so I think that’s why that question makes me uncomfortable.” Perhaps Jordan P. hopes to make us think more deeply on the subject? Perhaps the question one should pose to him is this? “What kind of a god do you believe in that would make you behave and speak so?”
— Jordan
“We grilled meat…real meat, not bugs”
“I thought it was a kids movie because my kids were watching it”
Unanswered questions from today’s podcast. What makes an epic love story? Is it similar to the hero’s journey? What should be the components of the archetype that points to the divine pattern?
Here some ideas: good love story— two people that are “good” separately and together— meaning maintain individuality but also have good chemistry.
So in the Princess Bride, is that a good love story because both are compelling characters in their own right and are both involved in their own challenges. Both have their own wants and needs, etc.
Also, why do you think we are seeing fewer epic love stories in our media?
I think of 2 archetypes for epic hero’s journey romance–
1. The one in which both lovers raise each other up, alternating the roles of Hero and Mentor, or take turns being the first to complete each step in the journey. Think of Mary Magdalene preparing the Lord for burial, followed by his attaining to the resurrection.
2 The redemption of the wayward spouse — the story of Jesus as bridegroom and the ekklesia or Israel as bride– and the eternal patience and mercy of the Lord. I saw a version of the Orpheus and Eurydice epic adapted in this way in the Broadway musical Hadestown, in which rather than being bitten by a snake and killed, Eurydice willingly sells herself into the deathworld for promises of material security, and Orpheus jumps into the underworld to save her.
Vote for more discussion like today— the deep dive into books like Harry Potter sounds great. I would re-read the books along with the show!
I would be totally down for a Harry Potter series.
Bobby–how bout a podcast on video games and esotericism?
I think I meant that comment for Jordan–I keep forgetting who’s who.
He’s Jordan, and I’m Bobby.
I’d be down for more content on quality movies or books — Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix.
Definite vote for Harry Potter Reviews! Also along the lines of subjects for future episodes, how about a deep dive on Revelations and end of days with focus on the sign of the times etc and where your best guesses are as to where we are at!
Love the podcasts, keep up the great job!! Still think you should do two a week! 🙂