Things are getting weird out there. Join Bobby and Jordan today as they discuss issues that everyone wants to talk about while simultaneously no one wants to talk about them.
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Referenced in the Podcast
- Censors Use AI to Target Podcasts
- Dumb Questions – Episode 78
- Southeastern Conference
- SEC Charges Mormon Church For Concealing $32 Billion Portfolio
- Link to actual 9 page SEC settlement
- Church issues statement and FAQ on settlement
- Mark Pugsley on Mormon Stories Podcast
- Got ‘eem
- Have the Ancient Gods returned? (on Evil)
- Historic Scottish castle bought by Utah couple: Knockderry, Argyll
- Adam Herbets breaks the news on the castle
You know, FOX turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually I didn’t even notice.
Marge Simpson Season 6 Lisa’s Wedding Episode
Daymon Smith, when asked if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was in apostasy, replied,
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a trademark owned by The Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don’t know how a trademark can be in apostasy.”
In the Book of Mormon (see Mosiah 10:12-17) we read of a people who were taught to hate another people. They were taught that their ancestors (centuries earlier) were brought unjustly from the east to America. They claim that they have been constantly oppressed by the other group.
To a Nephite, this idea of hatred is inconceivable. I wonder what if they had Rasmussen polls back then what the results would be to asking a Lamanite if it was okay to be a Nephite. The oligarch of the time, King Laman, ended up using cunning, lying craftiness, and fair promises in order to destroy or subject Zeniff and his people.
Of course, I am not saying that slavery was a false narrative (like say that Nephi stole the plates from Laman and Lemuel), just be careful to underestimate the power that multiple generations of such teachings can have on a people.
Hi everybody!
I share Jordan’s curiosity on what exactly the lds church is hoping to do with its treasure chest. Any way you slice it, $100 billion is a lot of money. For most people, something like $10-20 million is “go anywhere do anything” money. This is like… bond villain money. Are they planning to build a secret temple on the moon or something? Joking aside, this is enough money to significantly alter the value of nearly any commodity or currency. Enough to fund all the secret combinations a corrupt heart can possibly imagine.
$100,000,000,000 / 15,000,000 members = $6,666.67 each.
On train wrecks: 95% of trains carry hazmat. (Because it is not allowed on the highway.). Train derailments happen everyday because of the lack of track and equipment maintenance for the past 20 or so years. When an incident happens the # 1 goal is to get the track cleared. – can’t go around it . Sometimes train wrecks sit on the side of the tracks for months before it is cleaned.
“It’s not really a Q&A, it’s more of an FAQ”
“I’m not sure why anyone would stop paying their fire insurance”
Russell Nelson clarified what “sustaining” these men means in October 2014 General Conference.
“Our sustaining of prophets is a personal commitment that we will do our utmost to uphold their prophetic priorities. Our sustaining is an OATH-LIKE indication that we recognize their calling as a prophet to be legitimate and BINDING upon us.”
The above statement should give everyone pause. When you raise your arm to the square sustaining the Brethren, what are you really agreeing to? Scary if you think about it.
[…] Mind Virus episode 116 deep dive on the subject […]