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Episode 202 – Mass Stockholm Syndrome

Join Bobby and Jordan on the Mind Virus Podcast today as our hosts discuss the phenomenon of Stockholm Syndrome and how it appears that so many members of today’s society seem to have it and are thus resistant to seeing the open corruption.

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Referenced in the Podcast


  1. TBM
    TBM October 22, 2024

    Here’s the most charitable take I can give on Jeff Flake:

    10 years ago my opinion of him was that he was one of the more libertarian and principled members of congress. When Trump came along he was (rightly!) offended by his poor manners and big gov’t tendencies (tariffs) and populist authoritarian talk. JD Vance had the same feelings. But with Trump’s election, every Republican had to get on board with Trump or they were done for politically. Vance did, Flake did not. And Flake found himself on the outside and, as one might imagine, he is quite salty about it. Most republicans noticed over his first term that the worst of Trump was his talk, but policy-wise he was pretty decent. Because everyone in DC is a narcissist, those who lost their careers over Trump, though, had to dig in and go full TDS to justify themselves.

    This does not, of course, apply to Liz Cheney, who is, of course, a Cheney and a statist.

    • Publius
      Publius October 24, 2024

      And I’d be interested in a deeper dive on the hot drink definition. I’ve done some preliminary research, and haven’t really seen hot drink = hard alcohol.

      • Publius
        Publius October 28, 2024

        I did remember my ancestor, Joel Hills Johnson (of High On the Mountain Top hymn fame) wrote about it in his journal and found that entry, for some clarification:
        “I was with Joseph Smith, the Prophet, when the Word of Wisdom was given by revelation from the Lord on Feb. 27, 1833. I was then 31 years of age and had used tobacco somewhat extravagantly for 15 years, I also used some strong drinks and tea and coffee. I knew that God had spoken and condemned the use of these things, and being determined to live by every word that proceeded from his mouth, I laid them all aside, and have not used them since.

        I well remember that soon after the publication of the Word of Wisdom the same excuse was made by some of the people for drinking tea and coffee, that is now made,-that ‘hot drinks’ did not mean tea and coffee.”

        Hot drinks was also, apparently, a somewhat common phrase in New England for coffee or tea.

      • Dmitri
        Dmitri October 28, 2024

        That’s exactly what I would expect a mashup of metalcore and progressive rock to be like. It works out pretty well, making use of the song’s long duration (I feel that Muse could have shortened it).

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