You guessed it. It’s a new year and a new predictions episode… so highly anticipated, so highly celebrated. Join Bobby and Jordan as they discuss what has been, what is and what will be.
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Predictions from the Podcast
Trump Legitimacy – Will Trump be shown to be sincere?
- Bobby: unclear
- Jordan: unclear
Elon Musk Legitimacy – Will Elon be unmasked as insincere and continue censoring etc.
- Bobby: Elon will come through and be shown good and sincere
- Jordan: Twitter censorship will increase – Elon not shining white knight
Is this a Trojan horse administration?
- Bobby: not so much
- Jordan: Ya probably
WWIII Kinetic with Russia / Iran / etc.
- Bobby: NO. Deescalation is on the table.
- Jordan: YES for obvious war in some significant way 60%/40%, YES for escalation
- Bobby: peace deal / The issue fades away. / Zelensky ousted
- Jordan: They will talk about a peace deal / uneasy continuation of what’s been going on.
- Bobby: Big kinetic war may start with Israel… Israel continues to expand / middle East / hot war starts here
- Jordan: Agree (starts there or IRAN) but flavor the thing ramps up here
China –
Avoided the subject.
WWIII comment –
The mind control is far more invasive and persistent than we’ve thought–biologically, chemically, electromagnetically etc. The war is between the oligarchy and the regular people.
- Bobby: The Psyops are ramping up – People are waking up.
- Jordan: Agree. We can always metanoeo. Knowing is half the battle and people are waking up.
Jordan: We’ve become a low trust society. We’re losing trust. We need a high trust society.
Immigration problem stopped – stopping the flow:
- Bobby: Yes
- Jordan: Yes flow slowed or possibly stopped.
Internal strife caused by bad actors among immigrants?
- Bobby: Pockets of strife in the US
- Jordan: Used as a political tool to further restrict regular people
Economy – Stock Market Crash / Major Correction
- Bobby: Don’t see it.
- Jordan: Yes
Cyber 911 – Clamp down on internet … new laws / changes
- Bobby: Yes … if there is one it will involve the stock market
- Jordan: Yes it will happen … Agree – probably financially oriented. It will further the oligarchy’s goals of digital ID, internet ID and, digital currency.
Another significant Trump assassination attempt
- Bobby: Maybe / probably,
- Jordan: Yes Yes Yes big one … in the fall most likely. In the meantime: coughing gasping death death of woke ideology. The public will be lulled into sleep with the appearance of reconciliation first.
Cox / Utah:
- Bobby: no accountability, Cox drops the fake conservative facade, trying to turn Utah to Colorado or California
- Jordan: zero, and agree.
- Bobby: Follow the Prophet, Nelson passes away. New Prophet. Oaks pushes for stricter church. Purge by Oaks? Very real possibility under Oaks. Continued leftward shift.
- Jordan: Agree: Follow the profit. You’ll be told by the church to do what the Govt tells you to do at least once.
As far as the pipe bomb person, there is recording but their eyes have been blurred out so they cannot use any kind of facial recognition software or anything like that so why and who has blurred out the image?
It’s true that nowhere is all well. Trump is already going by the wayside. He’s already talking about giving amnesty to some dreamers. MAGA chumps are attacking Thomas Massie for opposing Mike Johnson remaining as Speaker. It’s already turning into utter chaos. I don’t have much faith that Trump’s second term will even be just a little bit better than the first one. Trump pushing to keep Johnson as Speaker is very suspect. Wasting time on trolling the buying of Greenland and Canada when we are deep into debt is asinine.
What I am predicting js that it will come out that Obama has been a ladyboy proctologist this whole time.
I think Elon is sincere, but he does have some defective leftist tendencies and I think he might convince himself that certain language or topics should be monitored heavily.
I’m pretty sure the J6 shaman was also put in solitary for a while, which is a torture tactic.
So, Syria has now been liberated. Hooray… I guess all the refugees can go back now right?
It’s wild that the New Orleans terrorist’s house was open for a walk through for a random, small news reporter, with bomb making material and everything just left out everywhere, maybe 24 hours after that by the FBI gotten there. That’s totally legit and not suspect at all.
I think Elon is probably Pro digital currency and digital ID. I hear he is trying to make X also a banking platform of some kind.
The original was some sort of bank created by Musk in 1999.
At some point, they will definitely force some sort of digital ID requirement. The Deeo State whore, Nikki Haley, already let that slip when she really pushed for that during her campaign.
I think I read somewhere that Trump is trying to hold a big rally in DC the day before inauguration, which is incredibly stupid if that is true. A perfect opportunity for a setup.
Unpopular opinion,but unrighteous dominion would be the government restricting you from being able to order wine online.
The center-left doesn’t stop being the center-left just because they leave for a different party. Their ideals do not change, and that’s even worse because that just dilutes the right/conservatism and liberty over time, as foist and diffuse those lefty ideas to the new party. (see Ronald Reagan who was a Kennedy Democrat and Donald Trump who is a Clinton Democrat)
I would say the center-right are the ones who are all-in , mindless sheep, and they will do anything that they are told. That makes far more sense. They do the same thing in both religion and politics. They are the lukewarm. They are not independent thinkers. They just go along with the program, which is why they totally accept big government programs and big church bureaucracy nonsense.
The church will probably announce, this year, more United Nation programs that they’ve partnered in, and I could totally see them supporting Trump if he does indeed push hard for a amnesty bill for a large number of illegals. That would be right up their alley.
Well, the church is so bloated as an organization that the leadership wholly relies on staff, and those staff get their information and news from the mainstream media and the government, much like the staffers in the White House and in Congress. They have massive amounts of influence, which is why the Aaron Sherinian hiring is such a terrible thing.
With his strong UN affiliation and connections plus his LGBT affiliations, he has massive influence over what information gets to the brethren and the suggestion they hear.
Yes Farming Simulator, which probably allows you to go along with big AG and all of their propaganda and harmful inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and low quality crops.
And Trump now promises all Hell will break loose if the hostages are not returned by Hamas by Jan 20. So it looks like some kinetic action of some sort will be happening.
Thanks again for another great episode. And KEEP the comments coming!!
I agree with Jordan that we are IN the “last days,” and that this is a slow grind towards an apocalyptic hell none of us have ever experienced in our lifetimes. By contrast, I’m hoping the transition OUT of that situation with the Lord of Hosts as King is Quick and Furious! Not sure I’ll live to see it.
Trump is ‘softening’ already, to be sure. Some of the cabinet picks are strong, and others are super suss. My most anticipated “waiting to see what happens” scenario is A) if RFK, jr is confirmed as HHS Secretary and IF (BIG if) this is YES, B) can he actually put genital cuffs on Big Pharma, Industrial Food Complex, etc.
I HATE to agree that WAR will rage on as the Industrial Military (War) Complex must be fed. All the weapons to Ukraine (and Israel?) (and consequent RESUPPLY contracts) were a nice shot in the arm, but this Beast in HUNGRY and is never quite satiated!
Musk is an interesting cat, for sure, but do we really believe he can resist the corruption that power breeds? Not as thick-skinned as we might imagine, but he and Joe Rogan were definitely contributing factors to Trump’s victory.
I think the Trump win bought us time (some friction on the slippery slope down into apocalyptic morass), but his cast of characters have their own special interests as well, and could be more lubricant on that slide! I’d be SHOCKED if there are no further assassination attempts in 2025.
“getting out of captivity and moving forward!!!” — Jordan may have said the entire phrase tongue-in-cheek, but I think that’s exactly what we should do — stay humble, vigilant, and controlling what WE can control and not get carried away with the fearporn we’re bombarded with, especially from MSM! MINDVIRUSPODCAST is an antidote to that!
2025 — LET’s GO!!
P.S. What do we think about Carter? Good, Bad, Indifferent? I think he was a CRAP President, but an amazing human that bucked the trend of amassing wealth and power post-presidency. I also like to think he may be very well pleased to have passed away, with a national day of mourning, just days before Trump’s inauguration!
P.S.S. Panama Canal? Greenland? Canada? How about we fix our debt-to-GDP ratio FIRST?
P.S.S.S For those TBM’s and PIMO’s out there: One-hour church? Real or purely Rumint?
I’m predicting THE Ohio State University wins the championship over the Great and Abominable: